Studies have shown that students who participate in co-curricular activities have a marked improvement in the grades. This can be attributed to skills they learn such as better time management to accommodate their hobbies and class activities, better organizational skills and a boost in their self-esteem. 


A student has to learn how to balance their academic life with their hobbies. They need to know how to incorporate their club and sports activities into their school life and allocate enough time for each. They learn how to plan out their day to include study time and co-curricular activities time, and will know how to make use of any free time.

Our school adopts a holistic yet pedagogical approach to education which allows students to focus on academics while simultaneously pursuing extracurricular interests, such as sports. Great importance is given to develop a healthy life style. We have special sports coaching facilities for children during the school hours.

 Sports facilities at school include Hockey, Table – tennis, Volleyball, Kho-Kho, Tennis and include indoor games.

 Activities:  We build a commitment to innovation, effectiveness, and relevance along with the imperative of encouraging a lifelong “joy of learning.”

 Every activity in school life plays a significant role in development of students. Activities and competitions are compulsory which is important for every student to participate. 

Activities are meant to bring social skills, intellectual skills, moral values, personality progress and character appeal in students. Other than sports it includes classroom creative activities such as

  • Talents week
  • Newspaper Reading
  • Pick and speak
  • Elocutions
  • Spell Bee
  • Debate
  • Essay
  • Picture Talk
  • Memory Test
  • Rapid Fire- Math
  • Show and Tell
  • Extempore
  • Deck and Depict
  • Magic of Science
  • Tongue Twisters
  • Mix and Match
  • Role Play
  • Cooking without fire
  • Best Out of Waste
  • Quiz
  • Group Discussion

 These are designed and balanced with academic curriculum so that every student gets to learn beyond subjects.

Field Trips

Field trips are effective educational activity; it connects students to the real-world. Field trips bring better grades in studies.

We take children out for field trips. We give importance to prepare our students by developing their visual literacy, and by integrating the trip actively into your curriculum.